Egyptian pyramids scaled  x

Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, are among the most magnificent man-made monuments in history. They were constructed when Egypt was one of the world’s richest and most powerful civilizations. Its great size is a reflection of the special position that kings and pharaohs had in predynastic Egyptian society.

The construction of the pyramids peaked towards the end of the 3rd Dynasty and continued until the 4th century AD, while they were constructed from the beginning of the Old Kingdom until the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty (circa 2325 BC). The Egyptian pyramids, which date back more than 4,000 years, are still majestic and provide a window into the nation’s illustrious past.

The Pharaoh in Society of Egypt

The Old Kingdom’s Third and Fourth Dynasties saw Egypt reach new heights of affluence and stability in the economy. Kings held a distinct position in Egyptian society. They are believed to have been chosen by the gods themselves to serve as a sort of middleman between mortals and the gods on earth. It is in everyone’s best interest to keep the king in check. Horus, the falcon god who had previously served as Ra’s guardian, succeeded Ra as ruler.

Under the Third and Fourth Kingdoms of the Old Kingdom, Egypt experienced economic stability and prosperity. The position of king was one of great honour in ancient Egypt. They would be selected by the gods themselves to serve as a sort of middleman between people and the gods on earth. It is in everyone’s best interest to preserve the king’s honour. The new pharaoh was then succeeded by the falcon deity Horus, who is also Ra’s defender.

Djoser Pyramid:

During the early dynastic period (2950 BC), the royal tombs were carved out of rock and covered with flat-roofed rectangular structures known as “mastabas,” which were the forerunners of the pyramids. The first pyramids of Egypt were built in 2630 BC. At Saqqara, a monument honouring King Djoser of the Third Dynasty. Initially a standard mastaba, this pyramid, also known as the “stepped pyramid,” later changed into something more substantial.

Tradition has it that Imhotep, a priest and healer who is honoured as the patron saint of healers, designed the pyramid about 1,400 years later. King Djoser built six stone floors of the pyramid using the Object() [native code] function throughout the course of his 20-year rule (as opposed to burnt bricks like most early tombs). It was the highest building at the time. The complex of courtyards, temples, and shrines that surrounds the stepped pyramid is where Djoser can enjoy the afterlife.

Even though no graves that the dynasty’s successors had planned were carried out (perhaps as a result of King Djoser’s reign), the stepped pyramid was utilized as the norm for royal burials after King Djoser. theirs is rather brief). One of the three tombs at Dashur, the Red Pyramid, was constructed for Sneferu (2613โ€“2589 BC), the first monarch of the 4th Dynasty and the oldest tomb ever constructed in the “actual” world (smooth, non-stepped pyramid). The name of the structure was motivated by the hue of the limestone blocks used to construct the pyramid’s core.

The Great Pyramids of Giza:

The Great Pyramid of Giza, located outside present-day Cairo in the highlands of the West Nile, is the most famous of all pyramids. The only surviving example of the famous seven wonders of the ancient world is the oldest and largest of its three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great Pyramid. It was built for Pharaoh (Greek: Cheops), the second of the eight kings of Pharaoh’s Fourth Dynasty and the successor of Sneferu.

The Pyramid of King Khufu (Cheops):

Little is known about Cheops’ 23-year rule other from the beauty of the pyramids (2589-2566 BC). The pyramid was the tallest in the world at 481.4 feet (147 metres) high and had an average base length of 755.75 feet (230 metres). Next to the Great Pyramid, where her mother, Queen Hetepheres, discovered the empty sarcophagus, are its three lesser pyramids, built for Queen Cheops wifes. Rows of mastaba, which are tombs for the king’s family and the officials who assisted and accompanied him in the afterlife, encircle Cheops’ pyramid.

The Pyramid of King Khafre:

The Central Pyramid of Giza was constructed for Pharaoh Khafre, the son of Khufu (2558-2532 BC). The tomb of Pharaoh Khafre is located inside the Pyramid of Khafre, the second-tallest pyramid at Giza. The Great Sphinx, a limestone guardian monument with a human head and a lion’s body, is a distinctive element incorporated into the Khafre pyramid complex. It was the largest statue in all of antiquity with a length of 240 feet and a height of 66 feeta length of 240 feet and a height of 66 feet, it was the largest statue in all of antiquity. The Great Sphinx itself would be adored throughout the Eighteenth Dynasty (around 1500 BC AD), as a representation of a regional form of Horus. Menkaure, the son of Khafre, had the southernmost pyramid at Giza constructed for him (2532-2503 BC). The shortest of the three pyramids (218 feet tall)it served as a forerunner to the smaller pyramids that would be built during the Fifth and Sixth Dynasty.

Who Built The Pyramids Workmen or Salves?

Contrary to certain popular versions of the narrative that claim slaves or foreigners were employed to build the structures, human bones found nearby imply that employees were made to work when the Nile flooded. create pyramids. This indicates that they are probably Egyptian seasonal farmers. terrain close to the pyramids. More than 2.3 million stone blocks weighing an average of 2.5 tonnes each were cut, transported, and put together to create the Pyramid of Khufu. However, later archaeological investigation suggested that the real number of employees may have been closer to 20,000. Herodotus, an ancient Greek historian, claimed that it took 20 years and 100,000 labourers to complete.

from pyramid to Luxor:

you can have an over night from Cairo to Luxor, so you reach Luxor at sunset or at night, then over night in the hotel and at early morning you can do a hot air balloon flight with Balloon Over Luxor company, then back to your hotel to have breakfast and check out.

your tour will start with visiting valley of the kings, temple of queen Hatshepsut, colossi of Memnon, then have lunch at local restaurant, later visit karnak temple & Luxor temple then go to Airport to fly back to Cairo.

Who is King Ramses II x

Who is King Ramses II?

Ramesses II was one of the most well-known Egyptian rulers to reign during Egypt’s golden age. He was Egypt’s 19th dynasty’s third-most powerful pharaoh. Prince Ramses was crowned by King Seti I, and he was succeeded by Ramses II. “Prince of Egypt” Ramses was given a house and a harem, and before becoming king, he served alongside his father in military operations where he earned valuable military and regal experience.

Ramses II, who is he?

One of Egypt’s most powerful and well-respected pharaohs during its golden age was Ramesses II. He was Egypt’s 19th Dynasty’s third-most powerful pharaoh. Prince Ramses was crowned by King Seti I, and he was succeeded by Ramses II.
He has conducted a number of trips and is committed to achieving his objectives. He was given the moniker “sovereign of rulers” for this, which mirrored his vision of a powerful country. Because of this, history buffs refer to him as “Ramesses the Great.” Moreover, throughout his 66-year rule, Egypt was at its pinnacle of strength and splendor.

Ramesses II Family and Youth

The amount of women and kids this great pharaoh had is another thing that makes him well-known. Although historians are unable to pinpoint an exact figure, some contend that it was more likely 162 kids. Ramses, Merneptah, Meritamen, Nebettawy, Khaemweset, and Amun-her-khepeshef (Nefertari’s firstborn) are only a few of the well-known children.

Around 1303 BC J.-C., Ramesses II was born in an Egyptian peasant household. He was the child of Queen Tuya and Pharaoh Sethi I. Ramses is named after his military hero grandfather Ramses I, who turned his commoner family into royalty.

Ramses was schooled and trained by his father while growing up in the Egyptian court. Because Ramesses’ father became pharaoh while he was just five years old, he was granted this honor.

Ramesses currently has an older brother who is in the process of succeeding him as pharaoh. He passed away, nevertheless, when Ramses was around 14 years old. Ramses II was thus named second in command of his father’s military operations and was immediately set to succeed him as pharaoh of Egypt.

Ramesses wed Nefertari, his first and most cherished wife, after taking the throne. She rose to prominence on her own and was given the title of the pharaoh’s royal bride. The royal couple had at least four sons, two daughters, and maybe more children throughout their marriage.

At the age of 25, Ramesses was crowned pharaoh of Egypt in 1279 BC following the death of his father. He was renowned for his superb leadership of the Egyptian army. He was able to engage in bloody combat to protect the Egyptian border against the Nubians, Syrians, Libyans, and Hittites as a result.

The Sherden Pirates, who posed a serious threat to ancient Egypt’s marine operations, were apprehended by Ramesses in 1281 BC A.D. Ramses was determined to put a stop to it with heroic bravery and a comprehensive strategic strategy. He set up ships and troops at strategic coastal locations and patiently awaited a pirate attack. They were deftly trapped in a violent naval combat as their craft neared.

1274 BC , At the conclusion of his fourth year in power, Ramesses began a military operation to retake the absconded northern regions. At that time, the young king led a little force of 20,000 soldiers in battle with an impressive Hittite force of 50,000. It continues to be one of the earliest wars in history that has been written about.

Ramses was the war’s greatest hero despite the fact that the combat was unresolved (it is unknown who won or lost). He put up a valiant fight, evaded death in a fight to the death, and took back the enemy’s stolen capital.


Ramses II was a skilled builder who had a deep love for the subject. He constructed and repaired numerous structures, temples, and monuments over the course of his 66-year rule.

The enormous temples at Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum are two of his most well-known creations. In terms of scale, design, and complexity, these two monuments reflect a fresh approach to architecture. What else; The enormous statue of Ramses himself is the one thing that these two temples have in common.

The beauty of the Abu Simbel Temple, which was constructed in Nubia in Aswan southern Egypt, is still evident today. At the entrance to Abu Simbel, there are four enormous statues of the mighty Ramses II, each standing at a height of around 20 metres. The Ramesseum temple, which was built on the banks of the Nile, is regarded as Ramses’s mortuary temple.

Along with these temples, Ramses also constructed Pi-Ramses, the new Egyptian capital. The city developed a number of enormous temples, a vast palace complex, and extraordinary infrastructure as the king’s rule went on.

The Ramses II Temples

Numerous temples were built by King Ramses the Great. The first is the Abu Simbel Temple, which was immortalised by the great Egyptian gods as a temple unto itself. The Little Temple of His Wife Nefertari, the Ramesseum Mortuary Temple, the Delta Temple of Pi Ramses, and the Great Temple of Karnak are some further temples.

A residential community called “Per Ramessu,” which translates to “house of Ramses, Biblical Ramses,” was established because the Ramses II family’s home was situated in the Nile Delta. His city is well known for its lovely waterfalls, orchards, and gardens.

Ramesses II lived a very long life, especially for the time he did. He had numerous wives and children when he passed away at the age of 90, but his lengthy life and lengthy reign as king allowed him to leave behind a significant building legacy.

Many of Egypt’s most iconic structures are attributed to Ramses the Great, including the Ramesseum, a massive memorial temple at Luxor, West Bank, and the well-known temples of Abu Simbel, which marked the southern limit of his reign. Additionally, he added or refurbished a number of other well-known sites, which you can see it from your Hot Air Balloon flight with Balloon over Luxor company, during your tours in Luxor.

Ramesses II did not construct the Luxor Temple in downtown Luxor, but his achievements are depicted in reliefs and sculptures that were added during the remodeling. He also contributed to the construction of the Karnak temple complex and left shell casings on countless other structures to claim them as a part of his legacy. Another notable structure is his huge statue, which can be found in Memphis, close to Cairo, as well as his wife Nefertiti’s exquisite tomb in the Valley of the Queens.

King Ramses II passed away when?

Ramses’ reins gradually came to an end, as with all wonderful things. He was initially buried in KV7 in the Valley of the Kings on the west bank of Thebes when he passed away at the age of 90 from “arthritis.” Ramses was a magnificent ruler and a powerful monarch who gained fame around the world for extending and upholding the realm of Egypt.

Later, in 1881, it was found again in a hidden royal treasure in Deir el-Bahri. The famous pharaoh’s mummy was then put in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo in 1885, where it remained until 2007.

The British Museum in London houses a statue of Pharaoh Ramses II known as the Young Memnon. This statue, which dates to around 1250 BC, shows him as a heroic warrior and benign ruler throughout history.


King Tutankhamun Tomb x

King Tutankhamun Tomb

King Tutankhamun tomb (1336โ€“1327 BC) is the only relatively intact royal tomb discovered in the Valley of the Kings and is well-known worldwide. The world’s attention was drawn to Howard Carter’s discovery in 1922 and continued after the tomb’s gold artifacts and other opulent finds were displayed. The discovery of the tombs is regarded as one of the most significant archaeological discoveries ever made. The tombs and the wealth they contain are a symbol of Egypt.

Despite the wealth it held, Tutankhamun’s tomb number 62 in the Valley of the Kings is extremely modest compared to other tombs in size and ornamentation. This is most likely due to the fact that Tutankhamun only held the throne for a total of around nine years after ascending to it at a young age. The much larger graves of kings may make you wonder what treasures they contain. Additionally, Ramesses II was once detained.

The burial chamber’s only decorative surfaces are its walls. Tutankhamun’s tomb has Amduat, unlike other early and late royal tombs, which are lavishly embellished with tomb texts like Amduat and the Book of Gates, which assisted the late king reach the afterlife. There is only one scene shown. The remainder of the tomb’s ornamentation shows Tutankhamun being buried among numerous gods.

The tiny size of Tutankhamun’s Tomb (KV62) has generated a lot of conjecture. High official Ai, his successor, was buried in Tutankhamun’s Tomb after passing away (KV23). The grave of Ai’s successor Haremheb was subject to the same defense (KV57). If so, it’s not known for whom the later Tutankhamun tomb KV62 was carved, but it has been asserted that it already existed, maybe as a private burial or as a storehouse that was later expanded to make place for the king.

Whatever the cause, the tomb was extremely crammed with the roughly 5,000 objects that were discovered within due to its limited size. Tutankhamun would have utilized objects like clothing, jewelry, cosmetics, incense, furniture, chairs, toys, vessels made of diverse materials, chariots, and weaponry daily. These items represent the royal lifestyle.

One of history’s greatest ironies is that Tutankhamun, a very small king who was forgotten due to his relationship with the unpopular King Akhenaten, outranked many of Egypt’s legendary kings.

Abu Haggag Mosque in Luxor x

Abu Haggag Mosque in Luxor

Most Egypt trip packages include a visit to the Abu Haggag Mosque, which is situated in the first courtyard of the ancient Luxor temple complex on the east bank of Luxor. Although there are not many Luxor Temple ruins, there are enough for him to rank among Luxor’s most popular tourist destinations. In essence, everybody who enters the Luxor Temple also enters the Mosque. The good news is that non-Muslim guests are welcome and can freely wander about within.

A trip to the Luxor Temple is made exceptional by the Abu Haggag Mosque, which was built in the 13th century and is still a place of prayer today.

This stunning medieval mosque’s surrounding temple remains are a treat to behold. If you enjoy visiting this sight during the day, come back at night to see it fully lit up as part of the breathtaking narrated sound and light show that is presented there every evening.

The Abu Haggag Mosque’s past

The Luxor Temple, which was also a center of worship, was demolished, but it wasn’t until later that the Abu Haggag Mosque was constructed there. Several churches were erected in the area surrounding the temple before the mosque was added, including one that is still there today.
The fact that worshippers from all religions have gathered here for more than 35 centuries is among this site’s most amazing features.
Some claim that a chief named Youssef, who promoted Islam in the region, was actually the one who erected the mosque. He is also supposed to have spent a lot of time taking care of pilgrims. He later acquired the name Abu Haggag as a result (Father of Pilgrims). The Arabic term for pilgrim is hag. It is quite doubtful that Youssef Abu Haggag actually constructed the temple, despite local folklore to the contrary.

The Abu Haggag Legend

Yusef is thought to have been born in Damascus in the year 1150, relocated to Mecca in his forties, and then ended up in Luxor, Egypt, where he remained until his passing in 1245.

Local lore claims that Abhagag constructed his mosque in the first courtyard of the ancient Luxor temple, but Youssef resisted the officials’ attempts to demolish it.

Officials insisted that the mosque must be demolished despite his best efforts. The cop awoke one morning just before the mosque was destroyed to discover that his body was immobilized. Officials now assume that Abu Haggag’s order to destroy the mosque and their disagreement must have been what caused his abrupt paralysis.

Suddenly, the administrators changed their views and allowed people to leave the mosque where it was originally located. Since that time, Luxor residents have retained a very special place in their hearts for Abu Haggag and the Abu Haggag Mosque.

In Egypt, Abu Haggag and Moorid

Moorid are essentially celebrated as saints’ birthdays. in honour of Muslim and Christian saints. Even if they are not quite usual, these holidays are nevertheless highly well-liked customs. Some of these holidays, like Moulid El Nabi, which honours the Prophet’s birth, are observed all across the nation.

Others, however, are only observed locally, like the Moorid of Abu Haggag, which takes place in Luxor each year in the first few days of November.

The vibrant Abu Haggag’s Moulid lasts for several days. a vibrant and boisterous event. An occasion that fundamentally combines religion and entertainment in a joyful way. Every year, many people look forward to this occasion. Many locals put money aside all year long just to take part in the festivities and the procession through the streets.
It goes without saying that now is the ideal time of year to visit the Abu Haggag Mosque. In Egypt, there aren’t many chances to experience real traditions and customs in such a unique way. These wonderful events do, after all, welcome guests, but they are not intended for tourists.

Abu Simbel temples in Aswan x

Abu Simbel temples in Aswan

The Abu Simbel temples, which are located on the shores of Lake Nasser south of Aswan, are some of the most well-known in all of Egypt. These enormous rock-hewn temples, which were constructed by the greatest pharaoh Ramesses II (also known as the Temple of Ramesses II), marked the southern frontier of the Egyptian Empire with Nubia at the height of the New Kingdom empire.

The purpose of their creation was to convey the authority of the Egyptian pharaohs to anyone who saw them. These temples include some of the finest carvings from the prehistoric Pharaonic era. Four statues guard the entrance to the larger one.

Revisiting the Temples of Abu Simbel

The Abu Simbel Temples were rediscovered in 1813 by Swiss adventurer John Louis Burckhardt after a period of isolation from civilization. The enormous statues in front of the temple’s entrance have been abandoned and are largely covered with desert sand.
Since the sand was eventually removed in 1909, these twin temples have gained popularity, becoming the most well-known landmarks in southern Egypt.

Moving the Temples of Abu Simbel

Due to the Aswan High Dam’s development, the Abu Simbel temples were in danger from the increasing Nile floods. To protect the historic temple from the Nile’s flooding, the temple was relocated from Abu Simbel. The Abu Simbel Temples were disassembled in 1968 and relocated to a plateau in the desert 180 metres to the west and 64 metres above the original structure. The task of moving the temple was laborious. It wasn’t employment. The Temple was broken up into pieces and reassembled in its new place exactly as it was when it was first built, weighing between 3 and 20 tonnes. It took over five years to finish.

What’s the appearance of the Abu Simbel Temple?

Two temples can be found. The first is The Great Temple, which served as Ramesses II’s private temple. The second temple, known as the Lesser Temple, is dedicated to his wife, Queen Nefertari.

Great temple

The construction of Abu Simbel’s Great Temple took roughly 20 years. This temple, also known as the Temple of Ramesses II, is devoted to the gods Amun, Rahorakti, Ptah, and the great monarch Ramesses himself. It is regarded as one of his best temples in Egypt and the biggest and most majestic of the temples constructed under Ramesses II.

His four 20 m tall gigantic statues, which face the entrance to the Great Temple, show Ramesses II seated on a throne. The main temple’s faรงade is covered in hieroglyphs commemorating Ramesses II’s historic victory at the Battle of Kadesh.

There are several halls honouring significant members of Ramesses and his family inside the expansive temple. The Holy of Holies’ final chamber is always dark, save for two days each year. There is no chance for this. It requires in-depth understanding of astronomy, mathematics, architecture, and science.

little temple

The Lesser Temple, Hathor’s second temple, is where the goddess is revered. It was far smaller than the previous and was constructed to honour Ramses’ favourite wife, Nefertari. Pharaohs and queens appear to have equivalent rights. Various names include the Nefertari and Hathor temples.
The temple’s rock faรงade is decorated with two enormous groups of figures, which are divided by a huge gate.

Aligning the Sun with Abu Simbel’s Temple of Ramesses II

The sculptures of Ramesses and the gods to whom the temple is dedicated are illuminated by the sun twice a year when it shines in the largest and deepest portion of the temple.

On February 22, the day of his coronation, and on his birthday, October 22, the ancient builders placed the temple so that light entered the room. During these two days, the morning sun shines upon the four statues in the sanctuary and the temple cloister. The first of his three statues depicts Ramesses II of Egypt and Amon-Ra, the sun deity (king of the gods). Ramses was given to the gods because, like earlier pharaohs, he thought of himself as a god. The fourth monument, which honors Ptah, the deity of darkness, is still concealed in the shadows. Over 3,200 years have passed since the statue was in the dark.

Where are the Abu Simbel Temples located?

While Aswan is a short drive from the temple, the majority of tourists actually fly into Abu Simbel. It takes visitors about 2 hours to reach the temple because there are only two daily flights from Aswan and the journey from Aswan is only 30 minutes long.

On your boat around Lake Nasser, you can also go to the Abu Simbel temples. Passengers can view the temple in the early morning and moonlight when these ships dock right in front of it.

Aswan in Egypt x

Aswan in Egypt

Aswan city flourished as a commerce hub and entryway between Egypt and the rest of Africa because it was a natural economic crossroads as well as a political border. Elephant and camel caravans from the south carrying valuables gathered here to load ships going to northern Egypt and beyond since the river is navigable from the north of Aswan to the Mediterranean Sea.

Attractions in Aswan: explore the beauty.

Even now, the cataract’s location has had an impact on Aswan’s history. During Egypt’s colonial era, Aswan functioned as a staging area for British Egyptian forces travelling south to put an end to turmoil in Sudan. The popularity of Aswan as a travel destination increased in the late 19th century as Europeans looked to escape their frigid countries.

Southern Egypt is still a must-visit location in Egypt because of the beautiful Nile Valley and the Nubian culture, which is very prevalent there. About 100,000 Nubians who lived on the river’s banks were evicted when the High Dam, which was contentious, was erected in 1964.

Today, a large number of these people reside in and around Aswan and make a living either through tourism, the manufacture and selling of traditional Nubian products, or by taking part in other types of cultural shows.

Given the hectic pace of Cairo and the large number of tourists swarming the numerous pharaonic monuments in Luxor, Aswan offers a far more sedate experience. It typifies the easygoing Nubian way of life. The beautiful Temple of Philae on the island behind the former Aswan High Dam and the well-known Temple of Abu Simbel a few hours south make Aswan a must-see for anybody interested in pharaonic history. the lakeshore of Nasser.

Some of the quarries near Aswan, which are still open to visitors today, produced a large portion of the granite shards utilised in historic construction projects. One of his highlights is the unfinished obelisk. Despite everything, Aswan’s real highlights remain the splendour of the river and the Nubians. The trip’s high point unquestionably was travelling across the choppy, translucent-blue waters of the Nile to one of the island communities close to the capital.